Our “girls” work hard to make your honey and we work hard to keep them healthy and safe. At Bee Haven we have “City Bees” and “Country Bees”. Our City hives are tucked away in the hills of the Cincinnati area, while our country hives are down river with friends and family out in Clermont County.

Beeswax Candles & Lanterns
Bee Haven’s beeswax candles are made with 100% pure beeswax, the result, when you touch the match to the wick, is a magical experience. The beautiful glow and soft honey aroma has a way of bringing people together, jazzing up an outdoor cookout, inspiring artistic expression or cheering you up on a cold winters night.

All our hand salves are made with beeswax, lanolin, and jojoba oil a combination that is both healing and protective for your skin. Please use it anywhere on your skin that needs a little extra TLC; cracked heels, rough elbows, sore noses, and of course your hands. All salves are made with essential oils except where noted.